Tuesday, December 9, 2008


OK, I am a Librarian. I love books. I love reading. Ask me anything about an author or a book, or genre's, I can answer it. Ask me a Social Studies question, or even a science question, I can find the answer. DO NOT ASK ME A MATH QUESTION! Tonight I could not even help middle child w. her 4th grade math question. Yes, I said 4th grade. I can not do 4th grade math. Let's see how smart you guys are?

Erin has red, blue, and yellow barrettes. She has 5 times as many blue barrettes as red barrettes, and 2 times as many yellow barrettes as red barrettes. Altogether, she has 24 barrettes. How many of each color does she have?

Got the answer yet? Let me tell you, for somebody whose job is to find answers for people- this is killing me people! ARgh...Math...Yuck!

Grandma and Grandpa are here from S.C. They are literally freezing their hind ends off. They left 54 degree weather (on a cold day) to 12 degree weather. Mom and Dad- I love you and thank you freezing for us. But remember- I am up here thanks to you guys. You were the ones who brought us up here as kids. You were also the ones who then left me here. OK- so I got married, but I would have been in the deep South, laying on the beach if you would not have transplanted me to the frozen tundra to met the man of my dreams. I met and married a SD boy. He has no intentions of ever leaving SD. He will never leave SD, therefore neither will I. Artic cold or hot beaches, one would think there is no comparison. See what love does to you.

If you figure out the math problem above- please let me know. I may lay awake all night trying to figure that one out!

1 comment:

amy said...

Between dad and Schweb you couln't get if figured out?????